Looking for inspiration for your lesson today? Then this is the place for you! You will find many ELT blog posts about teaching English and useful links. Feel free to leave a comment.
My name’s Jane Godwin Coury and I’m originally from the UK. I’ve been living and working in Brazil since 1994. I’m a university lecturer, teacher educator and English Language Teaching (ELT) author. I’ve written various publications focusing on helping English teachers including Exercícios para Falar Melhor en Inglês – Speaking Activities (Disal), Four Short Stories to Use in the ELT Classroom (Smashwords) and I co-authored Help! Preciso de Atividades para minhas aulas (Amazon) with Silvana Vieira Dibo.
Since 1987, I’ve worked in different teaching institutions in Brazil, the UK, the USA, France and Germany. I hold an MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from the University of Leicester, the UK and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from PUC in Brazil. I also work as a copyeditor and translator (Portuguese to English). Please see www.publications.com.br for more information.
I set up this blog in 2014 especially to help you, English language teachers, in your busy lives. There are useful links about teaching to access and read. You can also find lots of dynamic activities that have been published. Enjoy!